Thursday, February 11, 2016


Chorine Helen's "Occult Anatomy" throws more light on the activities of these ductless glands. He has analyzed their effects on human psychology and shown the possibility of their connection with the spiritual powers. While discussing the questions of 'what is the relation of these glands with the sensory nerves; or, what their anatomical positions are? Etc, the author argues that - "the drastic variations caused by certain chemicals hormones in the state and function of the body and mind cannot be based on some physicochemical reactions only. These astonishing activities are subtle in nature and appear to be governed by the latent effects of super-consciousness. The existence and wonderful functions of these glands thus seem to be direct manifestations of a divine power."
The anatomical details on the size, location and the (hormonal) secreting functions of the principal glands -- Pituitary, Pineal, thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Gonads, and Spleen can be found in any comprehensive book on anatomy and physiology. Findings on new effects of the earlier studied glands and the discoveries of new glands-hormones are frequently reported in the corresponding research journals. Research on neurohormonal chemistry is also growing at a rapid pace and newer results are being obtained and reported almost every month. Detailed discussions of these are neither feasible nor desirable here. It would suffice to note that these glands secreted hormones reach specific points in the body and the brain along with the blood and create wonderful effects. This, in normal conditions results in efficient maintenance of orderly functions of the body and mind. Even a little imbalance or disharmony in the level, stimulation or activities of these 'regulator chemicals' often causes irreparable damage or deformation in the normal growth or health of the physical and mental system of life.
Some people are dwarf, some grow tall up to exceptional and inconvenient limits..; some suffer obsession and some are bony; some youths become impotent while some wander under the thralldom of excessive concupiscence in old age too.; some bear the 'curses' of dull mind and some are 'gifted' with extraordinary brilliance and intellectual power; some over-eat, some hardly eat anything…..; some people can work round-the-clock every day having almost no sleep for several consecutive days but some others, on the contrary, need sound and long sleeps as natural requirement for creativity in the awakened state…… etc - all these diversities and abnormalities are caused by hormonal variations in general.
These disorders are also found as responsible for sudden attacks of certain maladies, disability of specific motor or sensory activity, excitation or numbness of some parts of the body or of some mental faculties, etc. Despite this knowledge and multidimensional research on hormones, no specific method or mechanism has yet been discovered to harmonize the secretions or to rectify the imbalance and restore it to normal hormonal levels.

Oral or intravenous medicines have hardly any effect on the hormone secreting and related activities, in vivo. A surgeon's sophisticated tools also have no reach there. Attempts of controlling a hormonal activity or regularizing its normal concentration by medication, or surgical operations are extremely risky, as they often perturb the fine-tuned natural functions of the tiny glands and/or disrupt the efficacy of hormonal effects and thereby give rise to more severe abnormalities and disabilities.

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